There are many recipes for bioplastics available on the internet involving readily available feedstocks and basic cooking-type instructions. We have derived a reliable recipe that forms a flexible sheet similar to vinyl in its consistency, that is easy to dye with food coloring.
60 ml water
6 grams potato starch
6 grams gelatin
6 grams glycerin(3g makes a stiffer sheet)
1. Mix all ingredients well in 400 ml beaker, using glass stirring rod
2. Place on hotplate, set to heat level of 6 or 7 (medium high)
3. Continue stirring with glass stirring rod until mixture begins to turn whitish and thickens slightly
4. Turn off hotplate.
5. Carefully, using the beaker tongs, pour the liquid out into the tray provided
6. Tilt tray to make sure the liquid reaches all 4 corners, lay on cork surface
7. Make a label with your name on it, attach to tray.
8. Wash out beaker and stirring rod using warm water.
Note: overheating or rapid stirring will cause bubbles to form that will impact your results